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Space Ed

Life of an astronaut - Jerry Carr


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Let’s Begin…

Astronaut Jerry Carr knows space. As commander of Skylab, he spent over 2000 hours in space, orbiting the Earth over 1000 times. Recounting his life story, Carr remembers the enchanting years he spent at NASA.

About Space Ed

Space Ed helps you untangle the mysteries of space with the universe’s best videos on everything from Einstein's theory of relativity to what it would take to live on Mars. Brush up on the science, philosophy and mystery of space, because the fabric of the universe is the same fabric that connects us all.

Meet The Creators

  • Narrator Jerry Carr
  • Sound Designer Mary Kuechenmeister
  • Director Sharon Colman Graham

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  1. Make sure you are signed into your Space Ed account. Register if you don't already have an account.
  2. To complete a lesson, WATCH the video and finish all the questions in the THINK section.
  3. Complete any 30 lessons - you'll get a green checkmark on each lesson you complete.

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